This Week's App: Reflection.App

What is Reflection.App?

Reflection.App is a cloud-based journaling tool dedicated to helping people reflect. Reflection provides you with several different types of themed prompts or random ones that help you reflect and review your day. Then they give you the ability to tag each entry as a “Highlight”, “Lowlight”, or “Free write” so you can categorize your reflections and track how you have been feeling over time.

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What can it be used for?

The name Reflection says it all, this app is perfect for having your students slow down and reflect. There are several ways you could use this tool, but we think the best would be to have your students start journaling through it. You can either give them prompts to use or have them use some of the generated prompts that Reflection provides to users.

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From there you could have your students simply report that they responded or have them export their work and give it to you. Either way, Reflection gives them a safe place to reflect and a place they can track their progress over time.

How do I get started?

It is super easy to get started with Reflection, simply go to Reflection.App, sign up for a free account, and start journaling. If you really like the tool you can also check out their pricing page to upgrade to a premium account.